Are you currently a towbar fitter and want to get more fittings? We offer our customers a fully fitted price and have a network of fitters nationwide which we are always looking to grow. You can get up to 3 extra fittings a day when you come on board with us, you choose how many fittings you want to offer a day, which days you want to work and what times. You have full control of your diary so when you get a booking of your own you can go on and block off that date and customers won't be able to double book you. You don't have to worry about the cost of the towbar and electrics as you have no out going costs. Once a customer has placed an order and chosen you as the fitter you will receive an e-mail notification informing you of the job and all the goods will be dispatched to your address ready in time for the fitting. When you complete the job you then invoice us for the fitting.
If you think you would be interested in becoming one of our recommended fitters then get in touch with us on 01244 284555 or e-mail e-commerce@witter-towbars.co.uk.