The Ultimate Caravanner's Cook Book
Witter's Ultimate Caravanner's Cook Book is here!
What's better, the thrill of a packed up family raring to go and the trusty old caravan securely on tow, or that peaceful Sunday afternoon when all the family crowd around a table for that beloved family feast? Yeah, it's a toss-up for us too. And really, who needs to choose when a family caravan holiday gives you the best of both worlds?
With the winter months finally behind us and the weatherman predicting a blistering hot summer it's time to look outdoors and plan a summer of tasty caravan adventures. To help you on your way it is our pleasure to introduce the Ultimate Caravanner's Cook Book. Put together with the help of 20 of the finest family caravan enthusiast bloggers, each of the recipes found within this eBook come straight from the tested dining table and is one of the longstanding favourites of each blogger and their families involved.
So, without any further hesitation, welcome to the caravan holiday that you will savour for a lifetime: Download the e-book and start your holiday with some foody inspiration!
Oh, and if you're a future caravan enthusiast, don't forget to book your Witter-Towbar online!